Officiels - European Institutions OPML JSON RSS draft risk guidelines consultation technical joint paper report market reference esma with today del authority protection european its final data banking download eba per published under provvedimento compliance parte standards supervisory della management EU News Business, taxation and competition 🌍New rules make digital markets in the EU more contestable and fairer 🌍Applications for European Court of Auditors and European University Institute postgraduate research grants now open 🌍Commission proposes new withholding tax procedures to help fight tax fraud 🌍Commission sends its objections to Google over abusive practices 🌍European Commission proposes more transparency and less red tape for companies to improve business environment in the EU 🌍Conclusions from the 23 March 2023 European Council 🌍The EU in 2022: General report on the activities of the European Union 🌍Foreign Subsidies Regulation: rules to ensure fair and open EU markets enter into force 🌍Digital Markets Act: rules for digital gatekeepers to ensure open markets enter into force Brèves - DBF 🌍DAC6 / Planification fiscale agressive / Principe dégalité et de non-discrimination / Obligation de déclaration / Arrêt de la Cour (Leb 1046) 🌍Etat de droit / Publication / Rapport annuel de la Commission (Leb 1045) 🌍Principe de légalité des délits et des peines / Discrimination / Personne morale / Interprétation de la loi pénale / Arrêt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1044) 🌍Procédure pénale / Présomption dinnocence / Constitution de partie civile / Motivation de la juridiction / Arrêt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1043) 🌍Lutte anti-blanchiment et financement du terrorisme / Publication / Règlements / Directive (Leb 1042) 🌍Indépendance / Justice / Etat de droit / Tableau de bord / Communication de la Commission (Leb 1041) 🌍Extraction et exploitation de données personnelles effacées / Procédure pénale / Juge dinstruction / Droit à la vie privée / Arrêt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1040) 🌍Surveillance secrète / Conservation des données de communication / Loi anti-terrorisme / Droit à la vie privée / Arrêt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1039) 🌍RGPD / Traitement données personnelles / Adresse IP / Accès aux données / Identification / Lutte contre la contrefaçon / Arrêt dAssemblée plénière de la Cour (Leb 1037) ECB - European Central Bank 🌍Elizabeth McCaul: The future of European banking supervision connecting people and technology 🌍Claudia Buch: Building a resilient future: how Europes financial stability fosters growth and competitiveness 🌍Elizabeth McCaul: Adapting to technological shifts: supervision in the evolving financial landscape 🌍Elizabeth McCaul: Operationalising climate-related and environmental risk management 🌍Kerstin af Jochnick: The banking unions unfinished business 🌍Frank Elderson: Nature-related risk: legal implications for central banks, supervisors and financial institutions 🌍Frank Elderson: The art of bending without breaking banking on operational resilience 🌍Claudia Buch: Hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament 🌍Kerstin af Jochnick: Two wrongs dont make a right Italian Competition Authority News 🌍C12674 - Acquisizione da parte di Dedagroup S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di SCAI S.p.A. e delle sue controllate 🌍Bollettino 36/2024 🌍C12673 - Acquisizione da parte di SD Worx People Solutions N.V. del controllo esclusivo di Caldera S.p.A. 🌍C12671 - Acquisizione da parte di Numia S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di BCC POS S.p.A. 🌍C12670 - Acquisizione da parte di GETEC Italia S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di C.E.I. S.p.A. CALORE ENERGIA IMPIANTI 🌍$con.titolo1 🌍Avviata una consultazione pubblica sui mercati delleditoria scolastica nellambito di una indagine conoscitiva 🌍IC57 - Consultazione pubblica sui mercati delleditoria scolastica nellambito di una indagine conoscitiva 🌍C12669 - Acquisizione da parte di De Agostini S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di Schema C S.p.A. EDPB publications 🌍Opinion 15/2024 on the draft decision of the Spanish Supervisory Authority regarding the Processor Binding Corporate Rules of the AVATURE Group 🌍Opinion 14/2024 on the draft decision of the Estonian Supervisory Authority regarding the Processor Binding Corporate Rules of the Mercans Group 🌍EDPB's Letter to the European Commission concerning Guidelines on the Interplay between Digital markets act (DMA) and GDPR 🌍EDPB response to letter on collaboration with ENISA 🌍EDPB reply to FDPIC concerning the EU Commission's high-level roundtable on safe data flows 🌍Opinion 17/2024 on the draft decision of the Spanish Supervisory Authority regarding the Controller Binding Corporate Rules of the FCC Group 🌍Opinion 16/2024 on the draft decision of the Spanish Supervisory Authority regarding the Controller Binding Corporate Rules of the AVATURE Group 🌍Opinion 14/2024] on the draft decision of the Estonian Supervisory Authority regarding the Processor Binding Corporate Rules of the Mercans Group 🌍Opinion 15/2024 on the draft decision of the SPANISH DATA PROTECTION AGENCY Supervisory Authority regarding the Processor Binding Corporate Rules of the AVATURE Group EDPB News 🌍Express your interest to take part in the EDPB stakeholder event on upcoming guidelines on Consent or Pay 🌍EDPB to work together with European Commission to develop guidance on interplay GDPR and DMA 🌍Take part in the EDPB stakeholder event on upcoming guidelines on Consent or Pay 🌍LEDPB adopte une déclaration sur le rôle des APD dans le cadre de la législation sur lIA, la FAQ sur le cadre de protection des données UE-États-Unis et le nouveau label européen de protection des données 🌍EDPB adopts statement on DPAs role in AI Act framework, EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework FAQ and new European Data Protection Seal 🌍Coordinated Supervision Committee appoints new coordinator 🌍Zdravko Vukić elected new Deputy Chair of the European Data Protection Board 🌍Reconnaissance faciale dans les aéroports: les personnes devraient avoir un contrôle maximal sur les données biométriques 🌍Facial recognition at airports: individuals should have maximum control over biometric data European Data Protection Supervisor News 🌍Newsletter 111 🌍EDPS - Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region: working together for data protection 🌍My Blue Book Experience - Traineeship at the EDPS 🌍Artificial Intelligence Act enters into force 🌍EDPS unveils new model for safer transfers of personal data between EU Institutions and International Organisations 🌍TechDispatch Talks #3 - Neurodata 🌍New Talk with Paul Ash is out! 🌍New episode of Newsletter Digest! 🌍Newsletter #110 is out! European Union Agency for Cybersecurity News 🌍Applications are open: ENISA Cybersecurity Support Action Programme tender procedure 🌍Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ms Baiba Braže, and a delegation of high-level cybersecurity officials from Moldova visited ENISA headquarters in Athens 🌍Share your feedback: ENISA public consultation bolsters EU5G Cybersecurity Certification 🌍Cyber Europe tests the EU Cyber Preparedness in the Energy Sector 🌍Another step forward towards responsible vulnerability disclosure in Europe 🌍ESAs and ENISA sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange 🌍Shaping Cybersecurity Policy towards a trusted and secure Europe 🌍Custom-made Awareness Raising to enhance Cybersecurity Culture 🌍Skills shortage and unpatched systems soar to high-ranking 2030 cyber threats ESMA publications 🌍Open procurement procedure Coffee supply and services DEADLINE 29/10/2024 15:00 🌍SMSG advice on consultation papers on CSDR and the draft RTS on the substantial importance of a CSD 🌍Summary of conclusions SMSG - 5 July 2024 🌍SMSG advice on the May 2024 MiFIR Consultation Package 🌍CSD Register 🌍ESMA Visitor Handbook 🌍Register of authorised European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs) 🌍Verena Ross' Keynote speech at the EUROFI Financial Forum, 12 September 2024 🌍Joint Committee report on Risks and Vulnerabilities in the EU financial system - August 2024 ENISA Press Releases 🌍Cyber Europe tests the EU Cyber Preparedness in the Energy Sector 🌍ESAs and ENISA sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange 🌍Shaping Cybersecurity Policy towards a trusted and secure Europe 🌍Skills shortage and unpatched systems soar to high-ranking 2030 cyber threats 🌍New chapter begins as ENISA celebrates 20 years of strengthening cybersecurity 🌍Safeguarding EU elections amidst cybersecurity challenges 🌍Geopolitics Accelerates Need For Stronger Cyber Crisis Management 🌍An EU Prime! EU adopts first Cybersecurity Certification Scheme 🌍CISA and ENISA enhance their Cooperation European Banking Authority 🌍EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules 🌍ESAs warn of risks from economic and geopolitical events 🌍EBA launches 2024 EU-wide transparency exercise 🌍EBA issues Opinion on a measure to address macroprudential risk following a notification by the De Nederlandsche Bank 🌍The EBA updates data used for the identification of global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs) 🌍The EBA publishes final draft technical standards on market risk as part of its roadmap for the implementation of the Banking Package in the EU 🌍The EBA sets 2025 priorities for resolution authorities and reports on the progress achieved in 2023 🌍The EBA responds to the European Commissions Delegated Act postponing the application of the market risk framework in the EU 🌍The EBA amends technical standards specifying the data collection for the 2025 benchmarking exercise