Officiels - European Institutions OPML JSON RSS supervisory rts crypto digital final standards authorities assets risk committee reference cybersecurity edpb regulation data technical consultation draft protection today banking joint guidelines authority with under esma market its report eba european download EU News Business, taxation and competition 🌍European Council summit held in Brussels 🌍New rules make digital markets in the EU more contestable and fairer 🌍Applications for European Court of Auditors and European University Institute postgraduate research grants now open 🌍Commission proposes new withholding tax procedures to help fight tax fraud 🌍Commission sends its objections to Google over abusive practices 🌍European Commission proposes more transparency and less red tape for companies to improve business environment in the EU 🌍Conclusions from the 23 March 2023 European Council 🌍The EU in 2022: General report on the activities of the European Union 🌍Foreign Subsidies Regulation: rules to ensure fair and open EU markets enter into force UE Public Health Latest updates 🌍Commission unveils action plan to protect the health sector from cyberattacks 🌍Questions and answers on cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers 🌍Factsheet - Cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers 🌍SCCS - Minutes of the Working Group meeting on Cosmetic Ingredients of 17-18 December 2024 🌍SCCS - Minutes of the Methodology Scientific Workshop held in Brussels on 10 December 2024 🌍SCCS - Preliminary Opinion open for comments on Butylparaben - Children exposure (deadline for comments: 10 March 2025) 🌍The European Commission and UNICEF announce a new partnership to improve health outcomes for children 🌍Press release - New EU rules on Health Technology Assessment open up a new era for patient access to innovation 🌍Updated rolling plan - Implementation of the Regulation on health technology assessment (January 2025) BrĂšves - DBF 🌍LibertĂ© de circulation / Droit Ă un procĂšs Ă©quitable / MICAS / Terrorisme / Non-violation / ArrĂȘt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1057) 🌍DĂ©ontologie / Avocat / Violations des obligations / ProcĂ©dure disciplinaire / ImprescriptibilitĂ© / ArrĂȘt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1056) 🌍Perquisitions et saisies / Cabinet dÂavocat / Secret des correspondances / Secret professionnel / Non-violation / ArrĂȘts de la CEDH (Leb 1055) 🌍Commissaire-dĂ©signĂ© / Auditions / Parlement europĂ©en / DĂ©mocratie / Justice / Etat de droit (Leb 1053) 🌍Russie / Agents Ă©trangers / LĂ©gislation / LibertĂ© dÂexpression / LibertĂ© dÂassociation / Droit au respect de la vie privĂ©e et familiale / ArrĂȘt de la Cour EDH (Leb 1052) 🌍CEPEJ / SystĂšme judiciaire / Rapport dÂĂ©valuation (Leb 1051) 🌍AccĂšs aux donnĂ©es / Tentative dÂaccĂšs / TĂ©lĂ©phone portable / DĂ©lit / CriminalitĂ© / ArrĂȘt de Grande chambre de la Cour (Leb 1050) 🌍TĂ©moins de JĂ©hovah / Transfusion sanguine / Directives anticipĂ©es / Consentement / ArrĂȘt de Grande chambre de la Cour EDH (Leb 1048) 🌍DAC6 / Planification fiscale agressive / Principe dÂĂ©galitĂ© et de non-discrimination / Obligation de dĂ©claration / ArrĂȘt de la Cour (Leb 1046) ECB - European Central Bank 🌍ECB sanctions BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV for misreporting capital requirements 🌍ECB publishes supervisory banking statistics on significant institutions for the third quarter of 2024 🌍ECB appoints Karin Turner-Hrdlicka as Director General On-site and Internal Model Inspections 🌍Claudia Buch: Introductory statement 🌍ECB keeps capital requirements broadly steady for 2025, reflecting strong bank performance amid heightened geopolitical risks 🌍ECB concludes asset quality review of J.P. Morgan SE 🌍Patrick Montagner: Learning from the past, preparing for the future 🌍Elizabeth McCaul: Objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear 🌍Anneli Tuominen: What lies ahead for the European banking sector? Italian Competition Authority News 🌍C12699 - Acquisizione da parte di Tribus Holdings 23 S.Ă r.l. del controllo esclusivo di Protos S.p.A. e delle sue controllate 🌍Bollettino 2/2025 🌍C12698 - Acquisizione da parte di Accenture Financial Advanced Solutions & Technology S.r.l. del controllo di un ramo di azienda di BCC Sistemi Informatici S.p.A. 🌍Bollettino 1/2025 🌍Bollettino 50/2024 🌍C12697 - Acquisizione da parte di Duferco Italia Holding S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di Comal S.p.A. 🌍C12695 - Acquisizione da parte Fibonacci Bidco S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di Quid Informatica S.p.A. 🌍C12696 - Acquisizione da parte di Accenture S.p.A. del controllo esclusivo di IQT Consulting S.p.A. 🌍Avvio RDO MEPA per lÂaffidamento del servizio di ideazione e realizzazione dei contenuti social e per la gestione consulenza e formazione per l'utilizzo delle piattaforme social - CIGB50697D054 EDPB publications 🌍Opinion 27/2024 on the Brand Compliance criteria of certification regarding their approval by the Board as European Data Protection Seal pursuant to Article 42.5 (GDPR) 🌍Opinion 26/2024 on the draft decision of the DE Bremen Supervisory Authority regarding the ÂCatalogue of Criteria for the Certification of IT-supported processing of Personal Data pursuant to art 42 GDPR (ÂGDPR  information privacy standardÂ) presented 🌍Opinion 28/2024 on certain data protection aspects related to the processing of personal data in the context of AI models 🌍EDPB Reply to the open letter to the EDPB on the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime 🌍Opinion 25/2024 on the draft decision of the Hesse Supervisory Authority (Germany) regarding the Processor Binding Corporate Rules of the Infosys Group 🌍Opinion 24/2024 on the draft decision of the Hesse Supervisory Authority (Germany) regarding the Controller Binding Corporate Rules of the Infosys Group 🌍EDPB Letter to the European Commission on its review of its eleven adequacy decisions adopted under Directive 95/46/EC 🌍Second Letter to Commission on the EES information campaign 🌍98th Plenary meeting EDPB News 🌍Avis du comitĂ© europĂ©en de la protection des donnĂ©es sur les modĂšles dÂIA: Les principes du RGPD soutiennent une IA responsable 🌍EDPB opinion on AI models: GDPR principles support responsible AI 🌍EDPB calls for coherence of digital legislation with the GDPR 🌍LÂEDPB clarifie les rĂšgles relatives au partage de donnĂ©es avec les autoritĂ©s de pays tiers et approuve la certification du sceau de protection des donnĂ©es de lÂUE 🌍EDPB clarifies rules for data sharing with third country authorities and approves EU Data Protection Seal certification 🌍LÂEDPB adopte son premier rapport au titre du cadre de protection des donnĂ©es UE-Ătats-Unis et une dĂ©claration sur les recommandations relatives Ă lÂaccĂšs aux donnĂ©es Ă des fins rĂ©pressives 🌍EDPB adopts its first report under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and a statement on the recommendations on access to data for law enforcement 🌍EDPB stakeholder event AI models 🌍EDPB meets with adequate countries European Data Protection Supervisor News 🌍Towards Digital Clearinghouse 2.0: championing a consistent supervisory approach for the digital economy 🌍Appointment of the European Data Protection Supervisor 🌍EDPS reprimands Frontex for non-compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 🌍Data Protection Day 2025 🌍EDPS Campaign on raising awareness of personal data breaches 🌍PATRICIA Exercise 2024 - Personal dATa bReach awareness In Cybersecurity Incident hAndling 🌍20 Talks - Carrisa VĂ©liz: Associate Professor at the University of Oxford 🌍Newsletter 112 🌍Oral history of data protection - Interview with Dr. Waltraut Kotschy European Union Agency for Cybersecurity News 🌍Reframing Cybersecurity Awareness Raising: Exploring the human factor in cybersecurity communication 🌍Navigating cybersecurity investments in the time of NIS 2 🌍BlueOLEx 2024 exercise: EU-CyCLONe test its cyber crisis response preparedness 🌍Asking for your feedback: ENISA technical guidance for the cybersecurity measures of the NIS2 Implementing Act 🌍Prioritising eHealth cybersecurity against emerging challenges 🌍Team Europe wins the International Cybersecurity Challenge 2024! 🌍ENISA Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference: Joining forces for a cyber-secure and resilient digital single market 🌍Call for Experts: Join the ENISA Ad Hoc Working Group on EU Digital Identity Wallets Cybersecurity Certification 🌍Germany wins first place in the European Cybersecurity Challenge 2024 ESMA publications 🌍Service Level Agreement between the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission and ESMA for the validation of a significant CCP model change 🌍Market Report on the Costs and Performance of EU Retail Investment Products 2024 🌍Annexes to the Market Report on the Costs and Performance of EU Retail Investment Products 2024 🌍SMSG advice on the Consultation Paper on the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) on the role and competence of the National Competent Authorities in supervising the crypto markets 🌍Mandate of the Oversight Forum as a Joint Committee Sub-Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities 🌍Market Report on EU securities prospectuses 2024 🌍Budget 2025 🌍Budget 2024 amendment n. 3 🌍Newsletter December 2024 ENISA Press Releases 🌍Navigating cybersecurity investments in the time of NIS 2 🌍BlueOLEx 2024 exercise: EU-CyCLONe test its cyber crisis response preparedness 🌍Team Europe wins the International Cybersecurity Challenge 2024! 🌍ENISA Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference: Joining forces for a cyber-secure and resilient digital single market 🌍Germany wins first place in the European Cybersecurity Challenge 2024 🌍The 2024 ERA-ENISA Conference on Railway Cybersecurity seeks to strengthen sector preparedness and resilience against current threats 🌍Meet Team Europe for International Cybersecurity Challenge 2024! 🌍European Cybersecurity Skills Conference: Intensifying our efforts to close the cybersecurity skills gap in the EU 🌍EU Digital Identity Wallet: A leap towards secure and trusted electronic identification through certification European Banking Authority 🌍The EBA publishes its final Guidelines on the management of ESG risks 🌍The EBA consults on draft technical standards on the prudential treatment of crypto assets exposures under the Capital Requirements Regulation 🌍ESAs are recruiting Heads of Unit for their DORA Joint Oversight Team 🌍The EBA responds to a law firm on the treatment of some legacy instruments of Banque FĂ©dĂ©rative du CrĂ©dit Mutuel 🌍EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules 🌍The EBA releases the technical package for its 4.0 reporting framework 🌍The EBA published a Handbook on independent valuers for resolution purposes 🌍Overall, the EBA observes a stable number of monitored high earners in the EU in 2023 🌍EU/EEA banks profitability is holding up well despite declining net interest margin